对西方 Washington University (WWU)


Old Main, a brick building surrounded by trees.


Explore your full potential at Western Washington University. We are committed to delivering our students a rigorous, world-class academic curriculum, impactful hands-on learning, and a unique community that fosters creativity, community engagement and inclusive success.


A forest with ferns and trees
Students on lawn in front of Old Main

Western at a Glance

  • Established in 1893
  • 200+ undergraduate programs
  • 40+ graduate programs
  • 250+ student organizations and clubs
  • 90%的西方校友在毕业后6个月内就业或继续深造
  • 太平洋西北地区连续23年授予硕士学位最多的大学.


Our Mission and Values

作为一个致力于为华盛顿州人民服务的综合性公共机构, 我们坚持一定的价值观,有助于我们的学术卓越, inclusive achievements, and positive impact in the state and the world. 这些包括:

  • 致力于学生的成功,批判性思维,创造力和可持续性.
  • 承诺公平和正义,尊重他人的权利和尊严.
  • 在共享治理的环境中追求卓越, 学术自由, and effective engagement.
  • Integrity, responsibility, and accountability in all our work.

Read Western’s Strategic Plan

Serving the State of Washington

As Washington's third largest public university, Western Washington University is a beacon of higher education, 在我们位于贝灵汉的主校区提供全面的学术课程, as well as at other sites across the State.

Create new communities on our main campus in 贝灵翰姆, 通过我们在阿纳科特斯的研究中心和卫星站点来追求您的目标, 布雷默顿, 埃弗雷特, 洛杉矶港, 和Poulsbo, 或通过我们完全认可的西方在线课程,利用灵活的学习机会!

Explore Our Campuses

哪里有赌博大平台赌场手机平台还通过与社区学院和社区中心的合作关系为华盛顿州服务. 通过最大限度地发挥大学与普吉特海湾和中部萨利希海地区社区的优势, 西部帮助全州的家庭实现他们的教育目标. 


National Recognition

A forest with ferns and trees

Rankings and Awards

西方学生在全国乃至全世界都是著名的富布赖特学者, Peace Corps volunteers, 美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)霍林斯学者, 以及顶尖工作和博士项目的抢手申请者. 

Over the past decade, more than 100 Fulbright, 戈德华特, 霍林斯奖和国家科学基金会奖学金以及其他国家和国际奖项都授予了西方学生.



US 新闻 and 世界报道 Best 大学 badge
#2 Best in the West

For the 25th year in a row, Western Washington University is 其中之一 highest-ranking public, master’s-granting universities in the Pacific Northwest, according to the 2024 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 大学排名.


军事友好 School 23-24 Bronze
#13 Best 大学 for Veterans

US 新闻 and 世界报道 Rankings awarded Western Washington University #13 Best College for Veterans in their 2024 rankings.

Top Washington University for Transfer Students

边为蓝色的正方形,一面大写字母E,另一面小写字母d. 广场的顶部是白色的,上面挂着一个绿色的毕业流苏.

美国.S. Department of Education 在接受联邦财政援助的转学生中,十大赌博app平台被评为该州学士学位完成率最高的四年制大学(73%, Department of Education, 2023).

WWU soccer team holds NCAA Division II trophy


西方的 田径项目 为个人和团队运动提供一个平台,促进卓越和体育精神. 在球场之外,我们的体育项目优先考虑学生运动员的整体发展.


Whether you're an aspiring athlete, 一个忠实的粉丝, or simply appreciate college sports, 我们鼓励您探索我们的项目,加入我们胜利的喜悦. 去的维京人!

A Leader in Sustainability

哪里有赌博大平台赌场手机平台以其对可持续发展的坚定承诺而闻名, 以 our ranking as 其中之一 nation's top 15 green colleges.

通过 innovative initiatives, comprehensive waste reduction programs, and a strong emphasis on renewable energy sources, 哪里有赌博大平台赌场手机平台已成为高等教育中环保实践的领导者.

Read our Commitment to Sustainability

Engage with WWU’s sustainability-focused culture. 我们致力于绿色建筑和可再生能源项目, spearhead institution-wide zero waste commitments, 将生态正义实践融入校园日常生活, 支持整个萨利希海地区的公平和可持续发展.

A Student-Centered University

A forest with ferns and trees

Academic Excellence

Explore your interests in more than 200 academic programs 以及有竞争力的研究机会和专家教师. 美国.S. 新闻 & 《哪里有赌博大平台赌场手机平台》将我们评为西方最有价值的大学和排名第二的最佳公立学校——这是有充分理由的!


A University for Wave Makers

Design a net-zero-energy tiny house. Broadcast your latest music mix. Publish your research in 科学报告. 在贝灵汉市中心的墙上画一个比真人大的动画. Create the world’s first transparent solar window. 赢得奥斯卡奖.

十大赌博app平台的生活 is about ambition, 激情, 解决问题, 改变世界——这是关于在专业教师的帮助下将涟漪变成波浪, invested classmates, and a community that looks together toward a brighter future.

Learn more about the innovations at WWU.


Learn more about WWU application timelines, tuition and financial aid guidance, 以及通过研究项目加深大学经历的机会, student organizations, 实习, study abroad programs, 荣誉学院, 和更多的.

Undergraduate 招生 

Graduate 招生 


Find your people in your residence hall, 食堂, student organizations, 健身运动, 学习小组, 还有更多! 我们的校园活动和学生主导的动态活动阵列帮助您充分利用在西方的每一刻-从教室到红场和两者之间的任何地方.

The Western Experience


A forest with ferns and trees


At Western Washington University, 我们致力于建立一个包容的社区,将学术卓越与社会责任相结合.

通过 共同治理,我们与学生,教师,员工和受托人合作,推动我们前进. By nurturing interdisciplinary collaboration, 我们正在培养学生解决全球挑战和创造更美好世界的能力.

Learn more about our leadership by visiting the President’s Office website, or review the 2022 President's Report.


President 沙巴Randhawa

沙巴Randhawa于8月1日开始担任哪里有赌博大平台赌场手机平台第14任校长, 2016.  作为一名教育家和学术领袖,他在高等教育领域贡献了三十多年的杰出成就.

Randhawa在西方的首要任务是促进学生的成功和包容性卓越.  十大赌博app平台吸引他的众多原因之一是该校的高留校率和毕业率, 在他看来,这是推动华盛顿州及其他地区更多代表性不足的学生取得成功的基础.  

Learn More about President Randhawa 


A forest with ferns and trees
Old Main in the distance


Immerse yourself in the exciting events and stunning, tree-lined beauty of campus on a visit day, 校园之旅, or through our virtual tour options! Many of our WWU tours connect you with a current student, 也就是说你可以问问题,了解十大赌博app平台 真的 就像.
